The Ellen G.
White (EGW) Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Research Centre at Northern
Caribbean University (NCU) collects and preserves Ellen White’s writings
as well as other materials relevant to SDA theology and history.
Supportive and critical materials are included. We also produce research,
present seminars, and answer questions about Ellen White and SDA history
and theology.
The EGW-SDA RC is the
second research centre in the Inter-American Division (IAD) of SDAs. As
such its JA$ 6.5 million annual budget is funded by a partnership of the
IAD, West Indies Union (WIU) and NCU.
The IAD provided the
materials for the centre and provides the Director’s salary and overseas
travel budget. The WIU and NCU support most of the remainder of our
In order to maximize our
ability to serve you, the Research Centre will raise 1 million Jamaican
dollars each year to supplement our budget. We will do this by collecting
donations of $1000 from those who become members of our Spirit of Prophecy
There are three
groups of members. First,regular members may be sponsored
by an institution. For example, some Spirit of Prophecy coordinators may
be sponsored by their churches. Second, regular membership fees may
be contributed by purchasing materials from the centre. Third,
fees or larger contributions may be donated to the centre by members
who are calledbenefactors.
Membership Package
Membership in the
Spirit of prophecy Association may be maintained by a yearly membership
fee of J$1,000 or US$20. We encourage churches and institutions to
consider sponsoring their Spirit of Prophecy Coordinators. Some members,
called Benefactors, have donated more than the membership fee. Others
maintain their membership by purchasing fascinating materials from our
Document File.
You are welcome to
window-shop by browsing through our thousands of documents. Alternatively,
you may purchase the following J$1,000 DISCOUNTED PACKAGED recommended by
our Director.
A brief Biography of Ellen G.
White $60
The Bible and the Bible
Only, Relationship to the Writings of Ellen G. White $180
Charismatic Experiences in the SDA
Church: Present, and Future: $30
Hermeneutics: Interpreting a
19th Century Prophet in the Space Age $80
Statements Regarding Christmas and
Holiday Gifts $50
Music: Its Role, Qualities
and Influence $140
Statements Concerning Cancer
Ellen White Predictions
Was Ellen G. White a Plagiarist?
The Integrity of the
Sanctuary Truth $150
The Visions of Ellen G. White
Ellen G. White and the Role
of Women in the Church $105
Please fill out and
send this membership coupon to the EGW-SDA Research Centre. (Place a check mark beside the statements that indicates your decision)