Did you know that...
- During her ministry, Ellen G. White
wrote more than 100,000 pages. A total of more than 25 million words.
The text most often referred to in Ellen
White writings is Matthew 5:14-16. She mentions it 264 times. The text
refers to Christians as "the light of the world."
Ellen G. White "believed in periods of
recreation, and spent several portions of summers relaxing in the
Colorado Rockies, a favourite retreat. There you might find the family
horseback riding, enjoying a picnic by a rushing stream or lying on a
blanket reading or even sleeping." Phillys Bailey, Fascinating Facts
about the Spirit of Prophecy (Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 1983),
During her life, Ellen White pursued
informal education through reading and extensive travel. She amassed a
personal and office library of more than 1,000 volumes. George Knight,
Walking with Ellen White (Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 1999), 63.
A list of these books is available from the Research Centre.
One of Ellen's favourite hymns was "When
Peace like a River". She always asked for it when attending Healdsburg
Church, Colorodo. Alma McKibbin, My Memories of Sister White (Washington
D.C: Ellen G. White Publications, 1956), 18.
Radio personality and syndicated
columnist Paul Harvey, in his noontime ABC radiobroadcast of September
27, 1997, reported regarding Ellen White: "Her writings have been
translated into 148 languages. More than Marx or Tolstoi, more than
Agatha Cristhie, more than William Shakespeare. Only now is the world
coming to appreciate her recommended prescription for optimum spiritual
and physical health. "Ellen White! You don't know her? Get to know her."
The EGW-SDA Research Centre has a
research document on Charismatic Experiences in the SDA Church: Present
and Future. You may purchase it for J$30.00 at the Research Centre.
Soon after Ellen White reached
Australia, she became ill with neuritis and for nearly a year she
suffered a great deal. But she did not become disheartened. During the
months that she had suffered, she wrote many chapters of one of her most
beautiful books, The Desire of Ages (Adapted from Grace White Jacques,
My Special Grandmother in The Youth's Instructor, Dec. 5, 1961.
- Ellen White's favourite dishes were
baked corn souflee, tomatoes and macaroni, and tiny mustard greens
- The Research Centre has a research
document on Music: Its Role, Qualities, and Influence. You may purchase
it for J$140.00.
Ellen White’s last
known writing is the letter
titled “The Victorious Life”. She wrote this letter on June 14, 1914 and
you may read it in her book
Testimonies to
Ministers, 516-520. This letter
“is a message overflowing with hope and assurance for Christians.”
(Roger Coon,
Nov. 15, 1991).
Edson White, Ellen White’s son, “did pioneer evangelistic and
work among blacks
in southern USA. [He] built [the] steamboat “Morning Star”, and floated
it to Mississippi River and thence down to State of Mississippi where…he
taught blacks to read and write.” (Roger Coon,
Nov. 15, 1991).
Traveling by train in Europe,
Ellen White had a hilarious experience crossing the border of Germany.
Once the train reached the border, all passengers were called to leave
the train and go into the customs station. Ellen White was ill, and her
Secretary, Sara McEnterfer covered her as she laid in the car. Ellen
White recalls: "As I lay covered with shawls and blankets, they
evidently suspected that I might be a bundle of dry goods which our
party was trying to smuggle into Germany. As the officers again came to
the door, flashing the bright light of their lanterns, ... I quickly sat
up and said, 'Here I am, gentlemen. Please look and see that I am a
living woman.'... They burst into a hearty laugh, said in German, 'A''
Right,' and left us to compose ourselves to sleep again" (Ron Graybill,
"Tell Them There is a Great Deal More to Sister White Than Most People
Think," Insight, August 14,1973: 24).
Ellen White was a lover of animals,
Aurthur L. White wrote that "She knew how to feed and treat ... animals
with affection .... She abhorred any practice that brought pain or
discomfort to animals, and she had firm words of disapproval for
anyone who misused a horse or abused a cow" (Ellen G. White the Person,
Grace White Jacques, grandaughter of
Ellen White, stated that Mrs. White was a buoyant person. " Never did
we feel under a strain or stress in her presence. She had deep blue-gray
eyes that were kind and alert. She looked at us with love" (My Special
Grandmother, 15).
"Another time Ellen White recalled when
some of the children she was caring for in her home were learning how to
knit. One of them asked me, 'Mother, I should like to know whether I am
helping you by trying to do this knitting work?' I knew that I had to
take out every stitch, but I replied, 'Yes, my child, you are helping
me.' Why could I say that they were helping me? - Because they were
learning ... Never did I condemn them for their failure.
Patiently I taught them until they knew how to knit properly" (George
Knight, Walking with Ellen White, 42).
This story is recalled by Mabel R.
Miller, Great-granddaughter of Ellen G. White: "One morning, my mother
helped me pick a handful of our prettiest pansies from our flower
garden. Then she let me take them to Grandma Ellen and visit her all by
my self.... When Grandma Ellen saw me her face turned into one big
smile. She pushed her flat writing board to the side of her chair and
held out her arms. I ran straight into them.... This morning, she hugged
me tightly and thanked me as she took the flowers ... She smiled like I
had given her the biggest bouquet of flowers from a real flower shop!
'Look at all these smiling pansy faces!' Grandma Ellen said with a
laugh. 'That's why pansies are one of my favourite flowers. They make me
happy. Look Mable! Every pansy is smiling at you.'
"She pulled me closer. 'Jesus wants us to me like pansies. He wants us
to bring happiness to everyone around us' [said Grandma Ellen].... I
have remembered what my Grandma Ellen told me that day. It was more than
eighty years ago now, but whenever I see a pansy, I remember to smile"
(Mabel R. Miller, Grandma Ellen and Me, pp. 14-17).